Wagwan! We representin' Jamaica this Chronicle.
Digital marketer Caribe was a breeze of fresh air. She let us know about her time during these lockdowns in London and how she's been keeping herself busy and staying positive. Working from home can be great but you gotta switch things up a bit and make sure you keep your mind active. She's not only been proactive by working to get her business off the ground - Breese Global (she talks more about it in the filmed interview) - she is also taking care of her mental health with the guidance of a therapist.
This pandemic has forced change upon us and a whole lotta cancellations have been issued out. Instead of focusing on the downs, she inspires us to keep looking out for the good times. For instance, planned a massive turn up in the Caribbean with your friends for your 30th b-day bash and it all gets cancelled? Why not still have a birthday celebration but in small intervals? I remember receiving a message with a laid out plan that went something like the following: Day 1: brunch, Day 2: dinner at some bougie spot, Day 3: spa day with whoever RSVPs. Can't make it? Not to worry, provide your guest-list with your address so that gifts can be delivered to your door. How organised. :)
We working with what we got out here - it is what it is so make the best of it however you can!
Continue on to Caribe's full Chronicle.
Digital marketer

M-SEW: Where did you grow up?
CARIBE: Jamaica
Overall, how have you found being in lockdown?
This is probably the only time that I would have had to sit down and think about how you want your future to be in terms of having a career and how you would like your work life balance to be like. It's given me space to self reflect. It's been a good period for self-reflection.

What new skills did you learn during lockdown? Well I've been saving money since I'm not travelling. I've also had the time to flesh out my new business - Breese Global, consulting small businesses and entrepreneurs with their digital marketing.
What have you focused on during this time to help get you through?
I've mainly been trying to remain positive and focusing on the good aspects. We're in lockdown but I've managed to keep my job, a lot of things are going well so... just keeping positive.

Any inspirational things that you've discovered that have been keeping you going? During this whole period, I've just focused on people who have been showing up for me. I also have a therapist and have been doing regular sessions during lockdown which helped tremendously. Having an outlet to talk through things even though it might seem trivial ... it's good.
Any new hobbies that you've picked up during lockdown? I took up cycling - just to get out of the house. I'm getting up hills now!

Film: Original music by Aden Peets.
What plans did you have that were cancelled thanks to Rona?
I did. It was my 30th. I had a whole turn up plan - me and some friends were supposed to go to Jamaica and it was going to be a whole shebang but our flights ended up getting cancelled.
Any inspiration for others to take away?
Be forgiving to yourself. Allow yourself room to grow and to develop and don't rush it.

*Many of the answers are excerpts from the filmed interview. Watch the full interview above!
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